Conspiracy of Sajada

Posted by Mazarif on Friday, September 21, 2007

Sajada is used when moslem solat to pray to Allah. Sajada is prayer rug in Islam. Today many sajada have picture, like flower or masque. For the moslem when they solat must deeply absorbed in, and no thought in their mind except remember Allah.

But why now so many sajada have pictured it, its can make our mind distract cause this picture. I think we forgotten that we must take away all stuffs that can make our mind distract when we solat. And this time for moslem to protest factory that produce sajada with picture.

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Anonymous said...

Iya ya, tanpa kita sadari gambar2 disajadah dapat mengurangi konsentrasi ibadah. ntar beli sajadah yg polos aja :D