Forming New Habit

Posted by Mazarif on Friday, May 02, 2008

According my post before that i want change my bad habit, i get some suggestion from my friend how to effectively forming new habits.

The essence of the technique is simply to devote 15 minutes a day to the formation of any habit you wish to establish, and do this faithfully for 21 days. By the fourth week, it should actually be harder not to engage in the new behavior than it would be to continue doing it.

This applies to any type of habit, whether it is a physical practice or a way of perceiving something, such as self image. It will also help to establish the habit if the behavior, such as jogging, is performed at the same time of day every day.

Other senses can be utilized to establish the habit. For example, if you want to establish the habit of meditating, you can reinforce the practice by wearing the same clothing, burning the same incense, occupying the same location, and assuming the same posture.

The more senses you can involve in the new habit, the more likely it is to become ingrained in the neural pathways, so, even if you're working on your self image in a mental construct, it's helpful to use all the faculties of your imagination to include sights, sounds, smells, and the
senses of feeling and taste to strengthen the image which you come to associate with your new self image. In other words, make it seem as real as possible.

If you miss a day, just keep going until you've been doing the new behavior for 21 days in a row.
And hope you success have the new good habit.

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