Fair Biography

Posted by Mazarif on Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Last morning, I watched television program about biography of Ahmaddinejad. After finished watch this program I think that the title must be not biography, cause biography is story about people with fair story. The source of information must be balance from the people that hate him and people that love him too. Unfortunately, on this video most of the expert that give information are hate Ahmadinejad, so this program is not fair. When you tell about someone that you hated, you can't give the fair story, it's will be much about what you hate about him or what their failure and other minor story. I think when the people want make biography video about someone, they must give information from two side, from people that hate him and love him, or story about their success and their failure too. I hate that video not cause Ahmadinejad is Moslem like me, but I need true story about someone.

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Mata Telinga said...

Wah tipi mana tuhmas, paling juga kita tau siapa dibalik yang bikin. Sebuah kekuatan yang mulai dirasa mengancam kekkuatan lain yang merasa lebih unggul, pasti akan ada upaya menjatuhkan. maap aku nulisnya gak inggris, inggrisku belepotan. BTW salam kenal ya...